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Selasa, 14 September 2010 | 9/14/2010 08:54:00 PM | 0 Comments

in afrika

Hot water system. Home made 
2.jpg?w=497&h=372" title="afrika-2" width="497" />
Transportation - 1 - Toyota Co(w)rolla
Because Petrol is Expensive why not use a Cowrolla
Transportation - 2 - pick-up truck!!!
You are going to die before you even get to the Hospital
I just love Africa, simple and not complicated.
We are just who we are.
No stress.
I am proud to be African.
This vehicle was seen near Makerere , Zimbabwe
This was photographed in Buru Buru, Nairobi - Kenya
These guys must have smoked weed!
Look at the goat.
Human ingenuity?
Painting the swimming pool.
Must be Zimbabwe???
Listen - English is only a 2nd language!!!
You've got to make allowances.
'Nuff said !!!
Please send on to anyone who loves Africa :))

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